I was all about chasing success—ticking off goals, managing everything and everyone... except for myself.

I’ve been in your shoes. I had to dig deep in therapy and coaching to find my way out. And let me tell you, on this journey, I discovered a path that was truly mine.

I’m passionate about guiding you back to your own path—one where you can embrace your real desires and ambitions without being overshadowed by what everyone else thinks success looks like.

I’m Alexis Camille, a high-achiever and recovering perfectionist. 

Are you ready to step into self-discovery?


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Discover Your Unique Blueprint with Human Design

Have you ever felt like you’re wading through life trying to follow a map that doesn’t seem to lead you to where you really want to go? Maybe it feels like this map was designed for someone else’s journey, not yours. Honey, you’re not alone. So many of us high-achieving women, especially Black women who are carving our paths in spaces not historically designed for us, face this.

But what if I told you there’s a map designed uniquely for you? A blueprint that embraces every intricate detail of who you are. This isn’t just any map; it’s your Human Design.

What Is Human Design?

Imagine a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system, and quantum physics to reveal your unique genetic makeup. Fascinating, right? Human Design offers insights into how you are wired to interact with the world, make decisions, and fulfill your purpose.

Understanding your Human Design can be like getting a backstage pass to your own life. It tells you how you best absorb energy, make decisions, communicate, and more. It’s about understanding and embracing your authentic self, unapologetically.

Finding Your Design: The First Step to Unlocking Your Potential

The journey begins with finding out your design type. There are five types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each one has its own strategy, defined not just by strengths but also by the way each type interacts with the energy of the world and other people.

Discovering your type can be like finally finding the right key to a lock. A Manifestor’s energy, for example, is here to initiate and make the first move, while a Projector shines in guiding others with wisdom waiting for the right invitation to speak their truth. Knowing this can be revolutionary.

Aligning with Your Design: The Path to Personal Empowerment

Aligning with your Human Design is about honoring your natural rhythms and inclinations. It’s giving yourself permission to follow what feels right for you, even when society tries to box you into its limiting narratives.

This alignment can be incredibly empowering. It’s affirming to know that there’s a blueprint that celebrates our individuality in a world that often tries to diminish it. Your design isn’t just about personal development; it’s a radical act of self-love and a declaration of your space in the world.

Living Your Design

Living your Human Design is a journey, not a destination. It’s about gradually aligning more and more aspects of your life with your inherent design:

  • For Generators and Manifesting Generators, it’s finding joy in the process and listening deeply to your gut response.
  • For Projectors, it’s about valuing your expertise and waiting for the recognition that brings you into alignment with the right opportunities.
  • For Manifestors, it’s about initiating action in alignment with your true desires, trusting in your power to create.
  • For Reflectors, embracing your uniqueness lies in giving yourself the time to understand your experiences deeply, reflecting the diversity of the world back to itself.

Understanding and embracing your Human Design is like setting the rhythm to your own dance of life. It’s about moving in sync with your inherent music. So let’s celebrate that. Let’s dive deep, unlock our unique potential, and live a life that’s beautifully aligned with who we truly are.

I was all about chasing success—ticking off goals, managing everything and everyone... except for myself.

I’ve been in your shoes. I had to dig deep in therapy and coaching to find my way out. And let me tell you, on this journey, I discovered a path that was truly mine.

I’m passionate about guiding you back to your own path—one where you can embrace your real desires and ambitions without being overshadowed by what everyone else thinks success looks like.

I’m Alexis Camille, a high-achiever and recovering perfectionist. 

Are you ready to step into self-discovery?


Claim your free Human Design Bodygraph today!

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