I was all about chasing success—ticking off goals, managing everything and everyone... except for myself.

I’ve been in your shoes. I had to dig deep in therapy and coaching to find my way out. And let me tell you, on this journey, I discovered a path that was truly mine.

I’m passionate about guiding you back to your own path—one where you can embrace your real desires and ambitions without being overshadowed by what everyone else thinks success looks like.

I’m Alexis Camille, a high-achiever and recovering perfectionist. 

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome for High-Achieving Black Women

Woman looking at herself in the mirror

We all have that voice—the one that whispers you aren’t enough, even when you’re doing the absolute most. That’s the impostor in the mirror, the inner critic that we all face from time to time, especially us high-achieving Black women striving in spaces where we’re underrepresented.

I’ve been there too—sitting at the table, wondering if I truly deserve my seat. Let’s work together to overcome imposter syndrome.

Silencing the Echoes of Doubt

First things first, recognition is key. That inner critic thrives in the shadows of our uncertainties. When you start to feel like a fraud, simply acknowledging that what you’re hearing is imposter syndrome can sap it of its power.

Chronicle of Success

Maintain a victory log—a chronicle of successes, accomplishments, and moments of excellence. When your inner critic gets loud, drown it out by reviewing that list. You did ALL that!

The Mirror-Image Reality Check

Every time that self-doubt creeps in, do a reality check. Are you truly underqualified, or is your inner critic picking on you? Spoiler: it’s usually the latter. Reflect on the times when you’ve excelled and let those moments be your mirror, reflecting the real, capable you.

A Chorus of Praises

Your tribe matters. When in doubt, turn to your community—those who uplift you. They support your truth like a choir behind your solo.

Dialogue with the Doubter

Have an honest chat with your inner critic. Ask, “Why are you here?” and “What do you need?” These feelings of doubt are usually just nerves that need to be calmed down or signs that we are leaving our comfort zones, which is good.

Affirmation Anthem

Create an anthem of affirmations that resonate with your soul. Repeat them. Believe them. “I am competent. I am worthy. I am exactly where I need to be.”

Teachable Spirit, Unbreakable Will

Lastly, sustain a teachable spirit. Each misstep is just another step on your path to greatness. Your journey is yours—full of learning, growing, and conquering.

So the next time you look in that mirror and see the imposter staring back, stand tall, look her straight in the eye, and remind her who you are. You’re a force, a beautiful amalgamation of strength, wisdom, and tenacity. That imposter has nothing on the realness of your brilliance.

You are not alone in this fight, and by sharing this, I hope we can quiet those inner critics together. In each of our reflections, there’s a powerhouse waiting to break through.

I was all about chasing success—ticking off goals, managing everything and everyone... except for myself.

I’ve been in your shoes. I had to dig deep in therapy and coaching to find my way out. And let me tell you, on this journey, I discovered a path that was truly mine.

I’m passionate about guiding you back to your own path—one where you can embrace your real desires and ambitions without being overshadowed by what everyone else thinks success looks like.

I’m Alexis Camille, a high-achiever and recovering perfectionist. 

Are you ready to step into self-discovery?


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